The Oasis Resort presents: Sunset Soiree

Join us on June 20th, 8 PM To 10 PM EST!Like a desert mirage, The Oasis resort will shift and turn, revealing an enchanting hall for a night of fine dining and ballroom dancing! Dress to express, and don't forget to see the rest of what the rainbow road pride festival has to offer.+Special one day only decor!
+Bard performance, open dance floor
+Photography and photo-ops for all guests!
+Special reservations: Contact @Heidi Bellveil | Ultros to save a table and receive personalized service for you and your company -- enjoy a more immersive experience.
+Free raffle, with gil prizes and in support of Extra Life for Children!!
🏳️🌈1st 1,500,000 gil, and a $20 donation to Extra Life in your name! (Courtesy of Lucky Sevens)
🏳️🌈 2nd 1,000,000 gil
🏳️🌈 3rd 500,000 gil